
Versions of Prometheus before 3.0 required that metric and label names adhere to a strict set of character requirements. With Prometheus 3.0, all UTF-8 strings are valid names, but there are some manual changes needed for other parts of the ecosystem to introduce names with any UTF-8 characters.

There may also be circumstances where users want to enforce the legacy character set, perhaps for compatibility with an older system or one that does not yet support UTF-8.

This document guides you through the UTF-8 transition details.

Go Instrumentation

Currently, metrics created by the official Prometheus client_golang library will reject UTF-8 names by default. It is necessary to change the default validation scheme to allow UTF-8. The requirement to set this value will be removed in a future version of the common library.

import ""

func init() {
    model.NameValidationScheme = model.UTF8Validation

If users want to enforce the legacy character set, they can set the validation scheme to LegacyValidation.

Setting the validation scheme must be done before the instantiation of metrics and can be set on the fly if desired.

Instrumenting in other languages

Other client libraries may have similar requirements to set the validation scheme. Check the documentation for the library you are using.

Configuring Name Validation during Scraping

By default, Prometheus 3.0 accepts all UTF-8 strings as valid metric and label names. It is possible to override this behavior for scraped targets and reject names that do not conform to the legacy character set.

This option can be set in the Prometheus YAML file on a global basis:

  metric_name_validation_scheme: legacy

or on a per-scrape config basis:

  - job_name: prometheus
    metric_name_validation_scheme: legacy

Scrape config settings override the global setting.

Scrape Content Negotiation for UTF-8 escaping

At scrape time, the scraping system must pass escaping=allow-utf-8 in the Accept header in order to be served UTF-8 names. If a system being scraped does not see this header, it will automatically convert UTF-8 names to legacy-compatible using underscore replacement.

Scraping systems can also request a specific escaping method if desired by setting the escaping header to a different value.

  • underscores: The default: convert legacy-invalid characters to underscores.
  • dots: similar to UnderscoreEscaping, except that dots are converted to _dot_ and pre-existing underscores are converted to __. This allows for round-tripping of simple metric names that also contain dots.
  • values: This mode prepends the name with U__ and replaces all invalid characters with the unicode value, surrounded by underscores. Single underscores are replaced with double underscores. This mode allows for full round-tripping of UTF-8 names with a legacy system.

Remote Write 2.0

Remote Write 2.0 automatically accepts all UTF-8 names in Prometheus 3.0. There is no way to enforce the legacy character set validation with Remote Write 2.0.

OTLP Metrics

OTLP receiver in Prometheus 3.0 still normalizes all names to Prometheus format by default. You can change this in otlp section of the Prometheus configuration as follows:

  # Ingest OTLP data keeping UTF-8 characters in metric/label names.
  translation_strategy: NoUTF8EscapingWithSuffixes

See OpenTelemetry guide for more details.


Querying for metrics with UTF-8 names will require a slightly different syntax in PromQL.

The classic query syntax will still work for legacy-compatible names:


But UTF-8 names must be quoted and moved into the braces:


Label names must also be quoted if they contain legacy-incompatible characters:

{"", ""="bar"}

The metric name can appear anywhere inside the braces, but style prefers that it be the first term.

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