Advanced Service Discovery in Prometheus 0.14.0

This week we released Prometheus v0.14.0 — a version with many long-awaited additions and improvements.

On the user side, Prometheus now supports new service discovery mechanisms. In addition to DNS-SRV records, it now supports Consul out of the box, and a file-based interface allows you to connect your own discovery mechanisms. Over time, we plan to add other common service discovery mechanisms to Prometheus.

Aside from many smaller fixes and improvements, you can now also reload your configuration during runtime by sending a SIGHUP to the Prometheus process. For a full list of changes, check the changelog for this release.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the built-in service discovery mechanisms and provide some practical examples. As an additional resource, see Prometheus's configuration documentation.

Prometheus and targets

For a proper understanding of this blog post, we first need to take a look at how Prometheus labels targets.

There are various places in the configuration file where target labels may be set. They are applied in the following order, with later stages overwriting any labels set by an earlier stage:

  1. Global labels, which are assigned to every target scraped by the Prometheus instance.
  2. The job label, which is configured as a default value for each scrape configuration.
  3. Labels that are set per target group within a scrape configuration.
  4. Advanced label manipulation via relabeling.

Each stage overwrites any colliding labels from the earlier stages. Eventually, we have a flat set of labels that describe a single target. Those labels are then attached to every time series that is scraped from this target.

Note: Internally, even the address of a target is stored in a special __address__ label. This can be useful during advanced label manipulation (relabeling), as we will see later. Labels starting with __ do not appear in the final time series.

Scrape configurations and relabeling

Aside from moving from an ASCII protocol buffer format to YAML, a fundamental change to Prometheus's configuration is the change from per-job configurations to more generalized scrape configurations. While the two are almost equivalent for simple setups, scrape configurations allow for greater flexibility in more advanced use cases.

Each scrape configuration defines a job name which serves as a default value for the job label. The job label can then be redefined for entire target groups or individual targets. For example, we can define two target groups, each of which defines targets for one job. To scrape them with the same parameters, we can configure them as follows:

- job_name: 'overwritten-default'

  scrape_interval: 10s
  scrape_timeout:  5s

  - targets: ['', '']
      job: 'job1'

  - targets: ['', '']
      job: 'job2'

Through a mechanism named relabeling, any label can be removed, created, or modified on a per-target level. This enables fine-grained labeling that can also take into account metadata coming from the service discovery. Relabeling is the last stage of label assignment and overwrites any labels previously set.

Relabeling works as follows:

  • A list of source labels is defined.
  • For each target, the values of those labels are concatenated with a separator.
  • A regular expression is matched against the resulting string.
  • A new value based on those matches is assigned to another label.

Multiple relabeling rules can be defined for each scrape configuration. A simple one that squashes two labels into one, looks as follows:

- source_labels: ['label_a', 'label_b']
  separator:     ';'
  regex:         '(.*);(.*)'
  replacement:   '${1}-${2}'
  target_label:  'label_c'

This rule transforms a target with the label set:

  "job": "job1",
  "label_a": "foo",
  "label_b": "bar"

...into a target with the label set:

  "job": "job1",
  "label_a": "foo",
  "label_b": "bar",
  "label_c": "foo-bar"

You could then also remove the source labels in an additional relabeling step.

You can read more about relabeling and how you can use it to filter targets in the configuration documentation.

Over the next sections, we will see how you can leverage relabeling when using service discovery.

Discovery with DNS-SRV records

Since the beginning, Prometheus has supported target discovery via DNS-SRV records. The respective configuration looked like this:

job {
  name: "api-server"
  sd_name: ""
  metrics_path: "/metrics"

Prometheus 0.14.0 allows you to specify multiple SRV records to be queried in a single scrape configuration, and also provides service-discovery-specific meta information that is helpful during the relabeling phase.

When querying the DNS-SRV records, a label named __meta_dns_name is attached to each target. Its value is set to the SRV record name for which it was returned. If we have structured SRV record names like telemetry.<zone>.<job>, we can extract relevant labels from it those names:

- job_name: 'myjob'

  - names:
    - ''
    - ''
    - ''
    - ''

  - source_labels: ['__meta_dns_name']
    regex:         'telemetry\.(.+?)\..+?\.srv\.example\.org'
    target_label:  'zone'
    replacement:   '$1'
  - source_labels: ['__meta_dns_name']
    regex:         'telemetry\..+?\.(.+?)\.srv\.example\.org'
    target_label:  'job'
    replacement:   '$1'

This will attach the zone and job label to each target based on the SRV record it came from.

Discovery with Consul

Service discovery via Consul is now supported natively. It can be configured by defining access parameters for our Consul agent and a list of Consul services for which we want to query targets.

The tags of each Consul node are concatenated by a configurable separator and exposed through the __meta_consul_tags label. Various other Consul-specific meta labels are also provided.

Scraping all instances for a list of given services can be achieved with a simple consul_sd_config and relabeling rules:

- job_name: 'overwritten-default'

  - server:   ''
    services: ['auth', 'api', 'load-balancer', 'postgres']

  - source_labels: ['__meta_consul_service']
    regex:         '(.*)'
    target_label:  'job'
    replacement:   '$1'
  - source_labels: ['__meta_consul_node']
    regex:         '(.*)'
    target_label:  'instance'
    replacement:   '$1'
  - source_labels: ['__meta_consul_tags']
    regex:         ',(production|canary),'
    target_label:  'group'
    replacement:   '$1'

This discovers the given services from the local Consul agent. As a result, we get metrics for four jobs (auth, api, load-balancer, and postgres). If a node has the production or canary Consul tag, a respective group label is assigned to the target. Each target's instance label is set to the node name provided by Consul.

A full documentation of all configuration parameters for service discovery via Consul can be found on the Prometheus website.

Custom service discovery

Finally, we added a file-based interface to integrate your custom service discovery or other common mechanisms that are not yet supported out of the box.

With this mechanism, Prometheus watches a set of directories or files which define target groups. Whenever any of those files changes, a list of target groups is read from the files and scrape targets are extracted. It's now our job to write a small bridge program that runs as Prometheus's side-kick. It retrieves changes from an arbitrary service discovery mechanism and writes the target information to the watched files as lists of target groups.

These files can either be in YAML:

- targets: ['', '']
    job: 'mysql'

- targets: ['', '']
    job: 'postgres'

...or in JSON format:

    "targets": ["", ""],
    "labels": {
      "job": "mysql"
    "targets": ["", ""],
    "labels": {
      "job": "postgres"

We now configure Prometheus to watch the tgroups/ directory in its working directory for all .json files:

- job_name: 'overwritten-default'

  - names: ['tgroups/*.json']

What's missing now is a program that writes files to this directory. For the sake of this example, let's assume we have all our instances for different jobs in a single denormalized MySQL table. (Hint: you probably don't want to do service discovery this way.)

Every 30 seconds, we read all instances from the MySQL table and write the resulting target groups into a JSON file. Note that we do not have to keep state whether or not any targets or their labels have changed. Prometheus will automatically detect changes and applies them to targets without interrupting their scrape cycles.

import os, time, json

from itertools import groupby
from MySQLdb import connect

def refresh(cur):
    # Fetch all rows.
    cur.execute("SELECT address, job, zone FROM instances")

    tgs = []
    # Group all instances by their job and zone values.
    for key, vals in groupby(cur.fetchall(), key=lambda r: (r[1], r[2])):
            'labels': dict(zip(['job', 'zone'], key)),
            'targets': [t[0] for t in vals],

    # Persist the target groups to disk as JSON file.
    with open('tgroups/', 'w') as f:
        json.dump(tgs, f)

    os.rename('tgroups/', 'tgroups/target_groups.json')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    while True:
        with connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'test') as cur:

While Prometheus will not apply any malformed changes to files, it is considered best practice to update your files atomically via renaming, as we do in our example. It is also recommended to split larger amounts of target groups into several files based on logical grouping.


With DNS-SRV records and Consul, two major service discovery methods are now natively supported by Prometheus. We've seen that relabeling is a powerful approach to make use of metadata provided by service discovery mechanisms.

Make sure to take a look at the new configuration documentation to upgrade your Prometheus setup to the new release and find out about other configuration options, such as basic HTTP authentication and target filtering via relabeling.

We provide a migration tool that upgrades your existing configuration files to the new YAML format. For smaller configurations we recommend a manual upgrade to get familiar with the new format and to preserve comments.